When you want to shed few extra pounds, it is a swell idea to go to the bottom of why you need a teatox diet plan. This will help you make sure that you pursue the ideal plan which will give you long-term and effective results for your keen efforts.

Here are 5 tips for your teatox diet plan:

  1. Hydrate sufficiently – Drink plenty of water. It is necessary to keep hydrated throughout the teatox diet plan. When you drink sufficient volume of water every day, you will help your body in eliminating toxic waste that has got accumulated from food, water and air that you have breathed in. Water is an effective medium to detox. Ideally, you should be drinking half the weight of your body in terms of ounces of water every day. If you weight a hundred pounds, you have to drink fifty ounces of water. It is wiser to carry a bottle of water wherever you go and keep sipping water throughout the day.
  2. Make few changes with your breakfast routine – You can skip the average routine of cereal, eggs and bacon and incline towards a liquid diet that makes it easy for you to digest what you eat in the morning. Protein is to be avoided at breakfast time as it becomes difficult to digest and will also make you feel tired and groggy later on. An ideal breakfast would be to start with a green smoothie that involves spinach, leafy vegetables and kale. You can follow that with a cup of fruits. If that is not enough, you may go for a couple of slices of whole meal bread coated with organic honey. A sliced banana will keep you going until lunch time. Breakfast is the perfect time for a revitalizing cup of teatox.
  3. Lunch suggestion – This meal could include a soup that blends various vegetables with herbs and stock to give you a delicious taste while being low on calories. This could be followed an oven cooked jacket potato with sweet corn and tuna. You can round off lunch with a prawn salad that involves mixed leaves with a dash of olive oil.
  4. Dinner suggestion – Smoked salmon salad would be fine in the evening that involves mixed leaves. Fish is a good source of Omega-3 and it is also valuable for the skin tone. This salad could be followed by a vegetable casserole that includes onions, potatoes, peas, carrots and mushrooms that could be slow cooked with stock. Vegetables could be stir fried and added to olive oil.
  5. Snacking during the day – you may go for a slice of fruit or a fruit smoothie; try a fruit or a natural cereal bar. Hummus with celery sticks or carrots would also be a fine idea along with a small cup of yogurt that is free of fat. Any of these items would be great for your teatox diet.

While you follow this teatox diet plan, you should be aware of how to combine your food during the day. There are some foods that may cause some digestive problems, when consumed together. You have to avoid starchy foods and protein together. For example, you have to avoid potatoes and meat, cereal and milk, bread and cheese and this is contrary to popular belief. You have to try and eat fruit by itself as fruit gets digested by the intestines, and not stomach. If you combine fruit with other types of foods, you may trap fruit in the stomach where it may ferment and give you stomach and digestive problems.

So, go ahead and combine this teatox diet plan and lead a balanced and healthy life.

Susan – Teatox Success story

My cousin took your products on the free trail and he lost 20lbs. I would like to try your products so I’m ordering 6 Packs. Question how much weight will I lose with that amount?

Robert – Feeling better

Hi, first of all, I would like to thank your wonderful products; the only product that made me detox in just a few months. I used to be 205lbs and now I am down to 165lbs. I feel better that ever before. All my friends are asking me how I did it? I was…

Miko – Amazing change in weight

I tried it —they are amazing, any different product for detox?

Sandra – Quick change

Dear LeptinTeatox, I have tried your tea and I like it, I lost 17lbs. I told all my friends about it and now they are using it also…

Rose – Beacme a distributer

I’m looking to earn extra cash and am interested in becoming a distributer of the Leptin teatox products. I am also a consumer with a successful detox story, looking forward to hearing from you. Rose

Barham S. – Already making extra income

Hello good day! I have used your product before and would be interested in becoming a distributor for your company; I will be looking forward for your response so I can discuss more in details. Thank you! Barham S., Netherlands.

Mehmet – Effective detox

I have been taking LeptinTeatox for the past 2 months now and have lost a few kilograms, it is a good effective product and I want to share with my family, friends and customers. I am interested to know how to become your distributor.

Disclaimer: The testimonials prestented in the page are the results of individual consumers.

The same results are not guaranteed and may vary from consumer to consumer.

Congratulations your LeptinTeatox is a successful product in the current market… Please give me a flyer of LeptinTeatox, if possible more freebies. Thanks in advance.

Tania – 20kg detox

Dear sir, first let me tell you that I’m one of from the people who use the LeptinTeatox and lost 20kg of my weight!

Josh – Now distributing

We are glad to let you know that we are now distributing the LeptinTeatox, although we meet many questions regarding the products but all is well. I am currently using it myself. It is one week now and I have lost a few kilos!

Sharif – Teatox wholesale

Hi, I bought the LeptinTeatox and it’s wonderful. I own a hairdressing salon and all of my clients would love to use it as well, am I able to buy it directly off your wholesale? Could you please let me know as soon.

Sarah – Distributor for the LeptinTeatox

I tried the LeptinTeatox at the beginning and lost a lot of weight with your product. I was very happy with the results I had obtained and now I would like to know how I can become a distributor for the LeptinTeatox and possible also…

Shanon Yong

Just thought you should know, I started using your LeptinTeatox and drank it and lost 20lbs. All of my friends, co-workers and family saw a dramatic change in me. So they kept asking me what was my secret, anyhow, I told them about you guys and now they are hooked. I’ve bought an order 50 boxes and it’s all gone and now they are ordering on their own. You guys should compensate me…LOL…JK…All of my friends think I’m a spokesman for your product… anyhow goodluck!


Hi, I have tried Leptin teatox and I lost 30lbs and I have been trying to get more supply and my distributor has not been able to supply, I would like to know how I can become a distributor. I have told a lot of people about your product. Can you e-mail me some information on how I can get involve? Thanks Tika.
Disclaimer: The testimonials prestented in the page are the results of individual consumers.

The same results can not be guaranteed and can be different from consumer to each other.