When it comes to detox, we tend to look at almost any kind of method or program regardless of its true effectiveness or long-term benefit. Some of them might be termed as bizarre or simply ridiculous. But the truth is, many of these unusual methods actually work! All you have to do is stick with them no matter what and natural detox will ultimately follow.

Here are 3 truly bizarre detox methods that you ought to try:

  1. Be able to see yourself while eating – This may sound silly but it really works in the context of detox. When you see yourself in the mirror, it reminds you that you’re not supposed to eat a lot. Moreover, it distracts your attention from the plate and makes you eat lesser than you otherwise would. When you will see yourself in the eye your inner self will remind you about your detox goals and what you shouldn’t be eating at the moment. For this purpose, you may want to eat in front of the mirror.
  2. Don’t check your weight very often – You may think that this method can interfere with your detox plans as you have to achieve some goals. But it’s true; the less often you look at the scale, the more you can concentrate on your diet and exercise. If you want to know if your detox regime is working, try to look for other cues like your clothes getting loose, your relatives and friends telling you how slim you really look, and higher energy levels. After all, these are your ultimate goals instead of a numeric value that might be difficult to maintain.
  3. Don’t miss out on social events and gatherings – It’s difficult to attend social gatherings and functions when you’re on a diet because everybody else would be enjoying their favorite meals except you. It seems hard at first but once you learn to control your cravings even at a social event, you can feel at ease with your entire detox system. So, there’s no reason to skip dinner parties and outings simply because you’re unable to eat a lot of food items that would be served

These methods may sound truly unusual and to some people even useless. But the reality is, it is these methods that you need in order to keep yourself motivated throughout the diet plan even if you have to follow it for 3 or 4 weeks. These are tips to make any diet plan work.

Your goal should be to keep your diet plan on track even if it means following some really bizarre or weird detox methods. Check out the effectiveness of the three methods discussed above and see how they can complement yourdetox plan. Also, keep in mind that once you’re comfortable with any diet plan, you ought to make it your lifestyle plan instead of something that just needs to be followed for a few weeks.

Many people want to detox but the most difficult part of it is to follow a diet plan. This is because it is simply overwhelming to count calories in each and every one of your meals. Moreover, eating sweets is inevitable especially if you have a sweet tooth. And even more difficult is to make those special soups and salads that are part of almost all diet plans and contains vegetables and other useful ingredients. Even if you do manage to follow such a diet plan religiously for a month or so, only one day of indulging in your favorite foods at a dinner party can ruin the entire regime.

Don’t fret if you are one of those thousands who does not want to go through a diet plan for detox . Here are 7 proven ways to shed those extra pounds without going on a diet:

  1. Eat slowly – Eating quickly can save time but it’s not good for your body. Your brain wouldn’t be able to catch up and tell you that you have had enough if you eat too quickly. So, slow down and chew properly before taking another bite.
  2. Consume fewer calories – I know this sound like a diet plan, but the rule of thumb is to eat proteins and other foods that bring a feeling of fullness earlier than other types of foods. So, eat meat and other protein-rich foods if you want to consume fewer calories and detox .
  3. Avoid the unhealthy foods aisle when grocery shopping – Though it’s tempting, you might want to forego visiting the aisle that displays chocolates, cookies, soft drinks, potato chips, and other similar unhealthy food items. If they are not brought into the house, they will not be eaten.
  4. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water – Water helps to keep you hydrated and at the same time give a feeling of fullness especially before meals. Make it a habit of drinking at least one glass of water right after you wake up. This will help you consume less in the breakfast and afterwards and effectively detox .
  5. Eat five to six times a day – Three meals a day sounds like an easier option but if you are looking for ways to detox , then eat small portions divided over five to six times a day. If you sit down and eat only twice or thrice a day, you will end up eating much more than needed.
  6. Eat in peace – The more you’re distracted by television, smartphone or any other electronic device, the more you’re likely to eat. Stay away from these distractions so that you can also pay attention to how many calories you’re actually
  7. Avoid stress – People who do not take time off work or sleep well are more inclined towards binge eating than those who take periodic breaks from work and sleep for at least 7 hours a day. So, try to stay away from stressful routine if you want to detox effectively.

There are numerous health benefits of green tea and that is why it is often called the healthiest drink on earth. The most prominent benefit of this beverage has been seen in the context of detox. However, it also exhibits countless other properties that have powerful effects on various functions of our body. Recently, it was discovered that Green tea contains ingredients that can help fight against cancer.

Here are five benefits of green tea that we should all be aware of to obtain maximum health gains:

  • Green tea is loaded with compounds like antioxidants that protect cells against damage. The same compounds are known to fight against premature ageing and help a person retain their youthful glow and vibrancy over time. Moreover, it has been established that green tea contains EGCG, an important antioxidant that aids in the treatment of many serious illnesses.
  • It was found that a certain amount of caffeine is good for our brain. However, we should be careful about the amount is taken daily and especially from its vital source, which is coffee. If you want a healthy alternative to coffee to achieve all the benefits of caffeine in mild quantities, there is nothing better than green tea.
  • Green tea helps to get rid of fatigue and tiredness and makes a person more energetic. This attribute to the fat burning process in which fatty acids are being released producing energy. The improve physical performance can also be due to the presence of caffeine, which stimulates brain function and makes a person think more positively and actively.
  • Green tea has been found to lower the risk of many infections mainly oral infections. It has powerful antibacterial properties due to the presence of substances known as catechins. The same compounds also exhibit antiviral properties and can help fight against any viral disorders. Some people have also reported that green tea helped them in getting rid of bad breath.
  • Finally, as we all know green tea is great for detox. It aids in effective fat burning throughout the day thereby improving our metabolism and preventing constipation.

With detox, many other benefits are obtained like reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. People who are physically active are very less likely to become obese in later stages of life. The beverage can positively affect your metabolism, reducing abdominal fat more effectively and making you fitter and healthier overall. Since the product is all natural and does not have any processed ingredients, it is completely safe for consumption. People belonging to any age group may drink it for as many times as they want in a day.

Start drinking green tea if you want to obtain all the above-mentioned benefits and stay away from serious disorders in old age especially stroke, cardiovascular disease, and Alzheimer’s.

Most of us do not watch what we eat every day. Sometimes the food is not fresh and at other times it contains more fat than useful nutrients resulting in high levels of bad cholesterol in our body.

Whether we are overweight or extremely skinny, there is something inside our body that prevents the absorption of essential nutrients and makes us lethargic, stressed out and uncomfortable. If the digestive system is not well, the overall health suffers. That is why it is recommended to cleanse your body of harmful toxins every now and again not just to get rid of conditions like constipation but also to gain other health benefits.

Health experts advise on drinking plain water, lemonade or green tea first thing in the morning to cleanse your system. Detox tea is something that combines the benefits of all the aforementioned drinks. It contains water along with a unique and refreshing blend of certain herbs like lime, green tea, and senna leaf that not only add flavor and aroma to the beverage but also offer many health benefits of their own.

Many people who are overweight suffer from any of the digestive system disorders or more often than not, constipation. Detox tea has been found to be very effective towards chronic constipation. When all other remedies fail to work, you would find this tea to be very refreshing as it does not have any side effects and it cures constipation naturally. Senna leaf is the main ingredient in many of the blends and this leaf is known as a natural laxative. Once the body starts functioning normally when it comes to absorption and excretion of nutrients and fat, the person becomes overall healthy and fit.

Drinking detox tea in the morning is important because it gives you a daily boost for performing everyday activities with zest and enthusiasm. You would notice that you don’t feel lazy anymore and there are no signs and symptoms of weakness, tiredness and fatigue. Such a person is also able to follow any workout plan because it becomes easy to adjust to the new routine. You feel lesser hunger pangs and so you can easily get rid of binge or disordered eating.

Detox tea is particularly recommended to people who suffer from bloating and heartburn especially after having a meal. If you drink detox tea 15 to 20 minutes before every meal, there will not be any bloating, stomach cramps, or heartburn.

Detox tea is good for your overall health and wellness as it purifies your blood, removes toxic substances from it, promotes liver function, and provides you with a youthful glow. That is why you must make it a part of your morning routine and drink a cup of delicious and fulfilling detox tea first thing in the morning even before having breakfast. It will suppress your appetite so that you would only have a healthy meal and spend your day feeling energized and relaxed.

It has been found in recent years that there is no better way to detox effectively than to detoxify your body. There are many wastes accumulated in our large intestine as well as toxins that negatively affect the process of metabolism, make us gain unhealthy weight, and cause many other unwanted effects. Constipation is a major sign that our body needs detoxification. In order to achieve this goal for ultimate detox, one needs to use detox tea regularly.

Here are 10 reasons why detox tea is effective for detox:

  1. It is easy to make your own detox drink at home by using simple natural ingredients easily found at any grocery store.
  2. A good number of useful detox tea products are also available on the market in many different flavors. You may choose one of these products to start your diet plan of detox.
  3. Most people use detox tea to detox because it does not require any intensive exercise or workout program to be effective.
  4. Detox tea or drink is completely natural and therefore there is no side effect of using it for detox.
  5. The product acts like a natural diuretic, making a person lose excess water and with it excess sodium also goes out. Moreover, all organs are made to get rid of stored up toxins that have been affecting their normal function.
  6. Detox teas are formulated to suppress the appetite thereby allowing a person to eat less and not gain any extra weight.
  7. If you use detox tea to detox, it will serve to boost your metabolism the natural way. This means you don’t have to follow an extreme fasting diet or a plan that includes only fluids and no solids. You may still eat whatever you want but also have detox tea in between meals for proper detoxification and effective detox.
  8. Detox tea works wonders for the digestive system. It is one useful product for people who are suffering from various digestive problems including diarrhea, constipation, bloating, etc.
  9. Once you start feeling energized and more active after using detox tea for some time, you would naturally want to change your bad eating habits. Instead of munching on sweet and starchy foods, you would switch to healthier alternatives like fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, and fish.
  10. If you have chosen detox tea to detox, it would be refreshing to know that it improves liver function and makes you fit and healthy in the long run. A lot of body functions are dependent on the liver and if this organ is healthy, you feel more energized and less stressed out.

Detox tea to detox is one of the most effective ways to shed those extra pounds and stay in shape. Say good bye to all those tedious and difficult to follow diet plans; start drinking detox tea instead and see how it transforms your lifestyle.

There is a large variety of detox teas available out there and sometimes it becomes difficult to determine which one among them is the best or most effective. While it is best to try a product and then judge its effectiveness, it is a good idea to go for a product with the most satisfied users. However, some other factors like price, flavor, and ingredients might also play a major role in helping you to settle on the best detox tea. Let’s have a look at various options available in the category of detox teas so that you can buy the one that fulfills your selection criteria.

Some detox products contain a high concentration of antioxidants with powerful effects on various organs of the body. This is a good pointer of an effective detox tea; the more antioxidants it contains, the better. Moreover, you should look for ingredients with antibacterial and anti-fungal properties in your detox tea. Many people who are overweight also suffer from digestive problems and disorders like heartburn and indigestion. Some detox products are formulated to get relief from these symptoms in addition to detox and detoxification.

For some people the best detox tea is the one that also has powerful laxative effect. These people suffer from chronic constipation and drinking such a detox tea helps ease the symptoms. Once the waste products are gotten rid of, detox becomes easy and straight forward. Fenugreek tea is one such example that not only tastes good but also has laxative properties. Some teas have been formulated to support liver and gallbladder function, while others target the digestive tract. You should choose the one that would help you gain maximum fitness by treating some of the conditions you might be suffering from.

The best detox tea for you would definitely be the one whose flavor appeals to you. If it doesn’t taste good, you wouldn’t be able to continue its use. It is therefore very important to check out various flavors that these detox teas come in. There are varieties like cayenne pepper, garlic, red clove, ginger, cilantro, and dandelion for the detox tea and you may choose the one that suits your taste buds. Moreover, there are different health benefits of each of these herbs or spices. So, choose the one that not only aids in detox but also offers the benefits you need the most.

Regular detox is necessary for getting rid of all the toxins from the body, staying overall fit and healthy, and shedding those extra pounds that make you fat. Choosing the best detox tea is just a matter of a little research based on your own preferences and a few other markers that make such a product highly rated and extremely effective. Make an informed decision when it comes to detox teas so that you can obtain maximum health benefits while trying to detox.

Teatox diet is essentially a diet plan designed to supplement a detox regime with the help of detox tea. Such a product contains natural ingredients that serve to cleanse the body of harmful toxins thereby aiding in detox. The diet plan would consist of healthy foods like fresh fruits and vegetables or salads and other easy-to-digest and low on calories foods with a lot of water and occasional teatox. How to start a teatox diet is a question many people ask because the difficult step is to make the transition from a sluggish lifestyle to an active one that includes not only regular exercise but also a diet plan that helps in effective and long-term detox.

Starting a diet supplemented with teatox is easy and straight forward. All you have to do is find time to drink coffee (preferably green bean coffee), green tea or detox tea at least three times a day. However, it is important to watch your caffeine intake if you choose to drink coffee because it shouldn’t exceed a specified amount, otherwise undesirable effects would start to occur. In addition, it is recommended to add at least three servings of a fresh or seasonal fruit to your daily diet plan. It is advisable to eat the fruit by itself and not in the form of a smoothie or shake. You can also make a vegetable salad or vegetable soup to suit your taste, which can curb the hunger at the odd times. When it is not time for a full-fledged meal, such a healthy and nutritious side dish can fulfill the purpose of controlling those hunger pangs.

While it is important to drink plenty of water on a daily basis, you must not drink too much with your meals. Too much water will make it difficult to digest food effectively. People who wish to gain weight eat certain protein-rich and starchy foods together. So, those who want to shed those extra pounds must avoid this combination at all costs. This is also an integral part of a teatox diet. You should only eat when you’re hungry or extremely hungry. There is no point in snacking or munching on foods that contribute to unnecessary weight gain. Avoid oily stuff and foods that elevate bad cholesterol levels in the body.

Teatox diet requires you to divide your meals into five or six parts, which each one having only one serving of any food you choose. This is to ensure that you don’t eat a lot in one sitting. It is also advisable to drink coffee or detox tea 15 to 20 minutes before every meal so that it would serve as an appetite suppressant. The tea or coffee would not only aid in cleansing and detoxification, it will also aid in effective detox and help you maintain your weight at an optimal level. So, start a teatox diet from tomorrow and see all these benefits coming to life!

There is nothing better than a detox formula that is completely natural and does not have any side effects. Green tea has been found to be extremely effective for shedding those extra pounds without having to waste away by eating nothing for days. If you like the taste of green tea or simply drink it as a beverage regularly, there is no need to take anything else for detox. Yes, it’s as simple as that!

Green tea contains substances like caffeine that aids in effective detox by burning fat. It also contains epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG, which has powerful effects on metabolism. Both these substances are bioactive and contribute to fat burning by activating some essential hormones in the body that help to burn fat effectively. Even if you exercise regularly, you can take green tea to improve the fat burning effects of workout.

There are two types of green tea products available on the market. The first one serves to increase energy levels and suppress appetite. You can take this type of green tea in the morning to have an energetic and enjoyable day without getting tired or lethargic. Moreover, it would reduce your appetite and you will have fewer cravings for your favorite foods that increase weight. The second type is known as detox or cleansing green tea that can be taken at night to cleanse your body.

The purifying property of green tea is very powerful as it not only reduces bloating but also prevents constipation and helps you be in perfect shape. You start feeling good about yourself when you take green tea on a regular basis. Moreover, switching from regular black tea and coffee to green tea helps to stay away from the harmful effects of both these beverages. Green tea is totally harmless and does not cause any side effects at all. That is why it is called the all-natural way of losing weight and maintaining it long term.

Instead of taking fat burning supplements available out there, why not go for green tea that tastes great and can be taken as many times in a day as you want? The best thing is you can get your hands on your favorite flavor when it comes to green tea and enjoy a cup full of richness and divine taste. You will start to look and feel younger and more energetic. Body cleansing is essential for effective and long-term detox so never overlook the importance of this step. When your body is cleansed of harmful toxins, you can relax and have a good night’s sleep to boost metabolism and have clear, flawless complexion.

If you have decided to detox the natural way, try this healthiest beverage known as green tea and found as LeptinTeatox to start seeing its miracles on your body. The product is loaded with beneficial antioxidants that you need on a regular basis to boost metabolism, be fit and healthy, and most of all stay in shape all year round!

Goji berries are bright orange-red berries commonly found China. Across Asia, this fruit has been consumed for its numerous benefits for generations. The goji berries have for ages been used in the treatment of common health complications such as high blood pressure and diabetes.

There are different ways to consume these berries. While some prefer to eat them raw, others will consume them cooked or even dried. Today, the goji berries can be found in some herbal medicines, teas, and wines.

What makes goji berries special is their high nutrition content. These fruits contain:

  • High-quality proteins consisting of all essential amino acids necessary for growth and repair
  • Over 20 different minerals, including calcium, selenium, and iron
  • Vitamins A, B, C and E
  • Extremely high level of antioxidants such as carotenoids beta-carotene as well as  zeaxanthin, which are essential in scavenging free radicals in our bodies protecting the cells from any oxidative stress
  • Rich in essential fatty acids needed help with anti-inflammatory pathways as well as supporting the nervous system.
  • Features polysaccharides, which is a type of a complex carbohydrate renowned for its vast health quality. In fact, most of the fruits and vegetables we eat offer some of these components, although only a few will have such amounts as the goji berries. This is one of the reasons why these berries are quite impressive.

With all the above nutritional components, are goji berries good for you? Discussed below are some of the benefits of goji berries:

  1. Key to a healthy and glowing skin

Goji berries are packed with beta-carotenes which are a natural pigment in plants and that is known to promote healthy skin.

  1. Protects the body

Goji berries are extremely rich in Vitamin C that is proven effective in reducing cold symptoms. Regular consumption of these berries has also been found to protect the eyes while at the same time reducing their ageing process and vision.

  1. Packed with Antioxidants

Just like any other berry, gojis are a rich source of antioxidants. These berries are a great source of antioxidants given their exceptional oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) value.The ORAC value represents the fruit’s antioxidant power. A high level of antioxidants is effective in the removal of potentially harmful oxidising agents.

  1. Detox

Detox is one of the hardest endeavours you will ever undertake. Goji berries are loaded with nutrition that gives you high energy levels. This makes them ideal foods to supplement your detox diet with their rich and irresistible taste. Fitness experts recommend including the goji berries in a protein shake, salad, and snack for the much-needed fibre content. Gojis have a high fibre content that ensures you stay fuller for longer thus fighting binge eating. Goji berries are highly recommended snacks instead of a chocolate bar.

  1. Lower blood pressure

Goji berries are widely believed to help reduce blood pressure while at the same time lowering the blood sugar level thanks to their high concentration of antioxidants and vitamins. For ages, the Chinese have used these berries in the treatment of diabetes among other ailments caused by high blood pressure such as stroke.

With the above benefits in mind, are goji berries good for you? Without a doubt, you stand to benefit by including these berries in your daily diet. Goji barriers are viewed as superfoods as to the numerous health benefits they have to offer. Unfortunately, like most superfoods in the market, goji berries tend to be quite expensive.

10 Nutrition eating habits, 8 Mealtime Tips

Too often we fail to see results when we are looking to detox. To increase our physical fitness, we exercise more and monitor our diet, but may fail to gain our desired weight. Read through these eight tips for how to detox by adjusting your mealtime routine.

Irregular mealtimes disrupt the digestive process.

This leads to a sluggish digestive tract and increases the risk of irregular bowel movements, which allows toxins to build up in your body. A detox programme, which includes LeptinTeatox tea such as Night Cleanse, may be needed to cleanse your digestive system if regular meals are not possible.

Late night meals and snacking also have a devastating effect on the digestive system. Eating before you sleep causes the digestive system to become sluggish, affecting even your metabolic rate. Furthermore, it allows toxins to be assimilated into the body. Instead of a late night snack, try drinking a slimming tea, such as a LeptinTeatox.

Binge eating will slow down your detox, but did you know that eating minute amounts will also slow it down? Adhering to the recommended average calorie intake for the amount of weight you want to lose is best.

Grazing on small amounts of foods and beverages may seem like a great idea for how to detox, but grazing throughout the day often leads to overeating. Replace grazing with no or low calorie beverages such as water or green tea.

Eating too quickly causes the digestive system to work harder and often fails to send the signal to stop eating. Fast eaters rarely chew their food properly, which puts a strain on their digestive systems.

Eating when you are tired does not give you an immediate burst of energy. The digestive process is quite lengthy and takes a large amount of energy in itself, so it is best for you to rest first, and then eat.

Emotional eating

This is also a great detriment to detox. It is not only the binge eaters who suffer, but those who eat when angry or irritated. These negative emotions focus the body’s energy use away from that of the digestive tract, making it lethargic. This is why people in high stress careers often develop ulcers. Liquids, particularly hot liquids such as a slimming tea, help alleviate this problem by creating a protective barrier in the stomach.

emotional eating

emotional eating

* Adding a teatox tea from LeptinTeatox is the perfect way to ensure optimal digestive health when combined with proper nutrition. Morning Boost, a slimming teatox, can be added to your daily routine to aid in digestion and help you reach your desired weight *. Leptin, naturally found in green tea, helps to suppress the appetite while boosting the metabolism. *