Most of us do not watch what we eat every day. Sometimes the food is not fresh and at other times it contains more fat than useful nutrients resulting in high levels of bad cholesterol in our body.

Whether we are overweight or extremely skinny, there is something inside our body that prevents the absorption of essential nutrients and makes us lethargic, stressed out and uncomfortable. If the digestive system is not well, the overall health suffers. That is why it is recommended to cleanse your body of harmful toxins every now and again not just to get rid of conditions like constipation but also to gain other health benefits.

Health experts advise on drinking plain water, lemonade or green tea first thing in the morning to cleanse your system. Detox tea is something that combines the benefits of all the aforementioned drinks. It contains water along with a unique and refreshing blend of certain herbs like lime, green tea, and senna leaf that not only add flavor and aroma to the beverage but also offer many health benefits of their own.

Many people who are overweight suffer from any of the digestive system disorders or more often than not, constipation. Detox tea has been found to be very effective towards chronic constipation. When all other remedies fail to work, you would find this tea to be very refreshing as it does not have any side effects and it cures constipation naturally. Senna leaf is the main ingredient in many of the blends and this leaf is known as a natural laxative. Once the body starts functioning normally when it comes to absorption and excretion of nutrients and fat, the person becomes overall healthy and fit.

Drinking detox tea in the morning is important because it gives you a daily boost for performing everyday activities with zest and enthusiasm. You would notice that you don’t feel lazy anymore and there are no signs and symptoms of weakness, tiredness and fatigue. Such a person is also able to follow any workout plan because it becomes easy to adjust to the new routine. You feel lesser hunger pangs and so you can easily get rid of binge or disordered eating.

Detox tea is particularly recommended to people who suffer from bloating and heartburn especially after having a meal. If you drink detox tea 15 to 20 minutes before every meal, there will not be any bloating, stomach cramps, or heartburn.

Detox tea is good for your overall health and wellness as it purifies your blood, removes toxic substances from it, promotes liver function, and provides you with a youthful glow. That is why you must make it a part of your morning routine and drink a cup of delicious and fulfilling detox tea first thing in the morning even before having breakfast. It will suppress your appetite so that you would only have a healthy meal and spend your day feeling energized and relaxed.

Skinny tea is a type of detox tea formulated to help people detox in a very natural way without having to rely on any medication, workout plan or dieting. You can eat anything as long as you drink skinny tea at least twice or thrice a day; preferably before each meal. There are many ingredients in this type of tea; all 100% natural and pure, providing many benefits for promoting overall health and well-being.

Many people are aware of the wonders of detox tea as it not only cleanses the system to get rid of harmful toxins but also serves as appetite suppressant and assists in detox. When the blood is purified of toxic substances, the person starts feeling younger, more energized, and relaxed. The first sign of purified blood is seen on the skin as it becomes more youthful and glowing.

Here are 7 interesting and useful facts about detox tea you might not have heard before:

  1. There is no need to incorporate any workout or exercise program with skinny tea detox. You simply need to drink this tea twice or thrice every day in order to obtain its unlimited benefits.
  2. Detox tea has been known to contain some amounts of caffeine. Caffeine has been found to be effective against many types of cancer as it prevents them. It also reduces the chances of developing type 2 diabetes.
  3. Skinny tea contains a number of useful herbs like ginger, lime, rhubarb root, Senna leaf, and green tea; all of which have benefits of their own. Together they serve to cleanse the body of unnecessary and harmful substances for renewed energy and relief from stress.
  4. There are no adverse effects of anything that has been labelled as detox tea. This is because such a product contains only natural and unprocessed ingredients that are completely safe for consumption.
  5. Detox or skinny tea is prepared using different herbal blends, which result in a rich aroma and an extremely delicious flavour.
  6. Skinny tea helps a person relax and get relief from stress and anxiety almost instantly. It is recommended to those who not only wish to detox but also gain some inner peace.
  7. There are some luxury blends of detox teas available on the market, which provide extra strength and energy. These are not only comforting but also very delicious and fulfilling. To those who wish to switch to a healthy alternative if they are addicted to coffee or tea, these herbal or skinny teas are highly recommended.

Skinny tea or detox tea is formulated for overall wellness and for the prevention of many serious ailments in old age. These products contain certain natural and unprocessed ingredients that offer unlimited benefits for the health of vital organs. If you want to purify your blood and get rid of toxins that serve to make you lethargic and stressed out, detox tea is the answer. Make one of these products a part of your daily routine and see the difference yourself!

Detox tea has recently gained widespread popularity all over the world owing to its unlimited benefits in promoting overall health and well-being. As it is clear from the name, the first thing that it accomplishes is detoxification or cleansing. It is the process of removing toxic substances from the body and nourishing it from the inside. The process helps prevent disease, improve immunity, maintain optimal weight, and boost metabolism. One of the best ways to achieve this is to drink detox tea at least 3 to 4 times a day. It is recommended to follow this throughout the year but if you simply want to detoxify without detox, you must do this at least once a year.

Detox tea is prepared from a number of useful herbs in dried form. There is a need to boil all these in water for 5 to 10 minutes so that they can release their useful content into water. The result of this preparation is quite sweet and aromatic, and to some people it is almost irresistible. Once you develop a taste for it, you can even say goodbye to regular tea and coffee; both of which have their side effects. Coffee contains caffeine; too much of which is bad for health. Tea is addictive; once you become used to drinking tea especially in the morning, it’s not easy to quit it without having severe headache, sleepiness, fatigue, and tiredness.

This is undoubtedly one of the most beneficial uses of detox tea; it can replace your regular tea and coffee. After that, it helps in quick, effective and long-term detox. Most detox tea products come with ingredients that serve the purpose of appetite suppressants. Drinking this tea 15 to 20 minutes before every meal helps one to eat less and hence detox over a period of a few months. However, keep in mind that you will have to drink detox tea regularly in order to see some positive results in this context. Drinking it only for a couple of times would not simply do the trick.

It is a good idea to combine your detox diet with a healthy and well-balanced diet to achieve maximum benefits. Dandelion, ginger, burdock, milk thistle and juniper berry all are good for health and these are mostly the herbs detox tea products are prepared from. You can also prepare your own fresh brewed iced tea or honey ginger tea at home to gain all the above-mentioned benefits.

People nowadays suffer from many disorders or conditions that have apparently no cause at all. These include fatigue, constipation, different types of allergies, bloating, heartburn, puffy eyes, sleeplessness, and menstrual irregularity or problems. When you can find absolutely no explanation for any of these conditions, be informed that your body is in need of detoxification. Use your favourite detox tea product available on the market or prepare one at home to effectively cleanse your system and remove all those impurities that might be causing the afore mentioned health issues.

Harmful toxin build-up in our body can have dire consequences on overall health and well-being. It may cause constipation, decrease our energy level, slow down the process of metabolism, and worst of all make us gain unhealthy weight. One way to get rid of this build-up is to use a detox drink or tea, which contains special natural ingredients known to have lasting effects on a person’s health.

The best thing about detox drinks is that they can be easily prepared at home following simple and easy-to-follow recipes. Here we have chosen 3 best detox tea recipes for you so that you can achieve maximum benefits from this wonder product in the context of detox and improving overall health.

  1. Green tea detox recipe: Did you know that green tea helps to detoxify your body? You can use just about any recipe to make this wonderful tea at home. The best detox tea in our opinion is the one that uses lemongrass, honey, cinnamon, and ginger. Simply boil water and add these ingredients (except honey) in just the right amounts and let them boil for a while. Usually it is required to boil the ingredients for 5 to 10 minutes but not more than that. After it has cooled down, add sugar or honey to taste and enjoy!
  2. Ayurveda detox tea recipe: This one makes use of three very useful ingredients: cumin, coriander seeds, and fennel seeds. Take about equal quantities of all these ingredients and boil them in water. Strain the solution once a desired color has been achieved. Add a pinch of salt, sugar to taste, and a little lemon juice for a savory experience. You can use this detox tea anytime during the day and also to get rid of constipation and diarrhea. It is also good for children who are suffering from bouts of vomiting or loose motions.
  3. Turmeric detox tea recipe: One of the best recipes available out there for preparing a very effective detox tea for detox uses turmeric powder, ginger, lemon, and water. Simply mix ginger and lemon juice (preferably in a juicer if you’re using ginger root instead of powder) and then add turmeric powder. Add this mixture to water and mix well. Add sugar or honey if you want to make it a little sweeter. Some people also like to add cayenne pepper and vanilla stevia for added taste. Use it as it is or enjoy its iced form for more enjoyment.

Choosing the best detox tea recipe depends on your taste and personal liking. There are countless recipes out there both for making simple green tea at home or a more intensive version containing a number of useful ingredients excellent for body detoxification. All these ingredients are easily available at any grocery store and are not very expensive either. Get your hands on these spices and herbs and experience a complete lifestyle change that will completely surprise you especially in the context of long-term detox.